A Father’s Day Toast!

Father’s Day is a special day, a time for fathers across the world to kick their feet up, sit back in their recliners, drink a beer and enjoy a day of being appreciated for all their work they do for their families day-in and day-out. After all, fatherhood is tough job that can bring even the manliest men crying and retreating out of the lives of their family. You’ve worked hard all day long in an attempt to provide your family with everything they need. You come home after a long day and pour yourself out teaching and loving your children. You give yourself fully to your wife and love her as Christ did for the Church. You lead your family through the ups and downs of life, taking the spiritual reigns of the house so that you can guide them closer and closer to Christ. It is a tough job and today you get to feel appreciated for all the work you’ve done. Here are some words to encourage you and get you through the tough times.

1. You are appreciated. You are so appreciated as a father and the work and love you give to your family. In a society where fatherless homes are more and more common, the simple fact that you are there is changing the lives of your family in a way that could never happen in your absence. When you add the fact that you are actively and passionately serving your family know that you are so loved and appreciated. You taking the time and energy to provide for your family and then serving them is having a bigger impact than you realize. It’s sending the message to your children and wife that you love them and believe in them and that changes lives. Never forget how appreciated you are to your family. We forget to say how we feel time to time, so allow me personally to say I appreciate you and am praying for you.

2. You are not alone. Sometimes as men we can struggle with pride and that’s a very dangerous thing. Pride stops us from asking for help, seeking guidance, and puffs us up to think we are invincible. There are a couple key people we need to continually remind ourselves that they are on our team and in our corner. Wife: She’s wonderful isn’t she? She would do anything for us and will love us and give us the same love and grace that Christ would. Don’t keep her in the dark. If you’re overwhelmed with things go to her, bring her up to speed on what’s going through your head. She will walk confidently beside you wherever you go and will help any way she can, let her help. Church: We are here for you! It seems weird sometimes like well what are you suppose to help me with? But we are, it’s our job to equip you and guide you when it comes to getting through the hard times. If you need help leading your family spiritually or struggling with something and in need of prayer or counseling we are here to get you through so that you can better reflect Christ. Jesus: Our wonderful Savior, Friend, Counselor, Healer, and Giver is with us and inside of us. He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with us and you can trust that He will be there for you. Lean on Him and His ways and trust in His divine plan and it will prove to be enough time and time again. He is worth of your praise and will provide for you, whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually He will never leave you hanging.

3. You are making a difference. If you are ever stuck in a rut wondering if you’re doing anything right know that you are. You were called to lead your family and through Christ you are being continually built up and empowered to do just that! We do need to also continually remind ourselves that the greatest thing we can do for our families is not providing, but loving. You are making a difference but never forget the primary responsibility to your family. Time will past and your children will forget the things you bought them but they will never forget the love you gave them and the time you invested in them. Your top priority in making a difference is loving them and putting them first, sometimes that means working and sometimes that means saying no to work to be with them. They will appreciate the time more than anything else. No matter what though, rest assured that you are in fact doing a great job in the chaos of life and you are making a wonderful difference.

So take a break! Enjoy some time to reflect on the last year and where God has brought your family and get ready for another exciting year ahead. Wherever you end up always remember those simple truths though: you are appreciated, you are not alone, and you are making a huge difference!